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Tag: algorithm

Find match of numeric arrays Python

Consider I have 2 arrays. arr2 will always be longer than arr1. I’d like to drop the values from arr2 to best fit arr1. If arr2 doesn’t have an equal value to arr1 it will need to be the closest value that is still in arr2. observing the output. the first value is 0, both have a match at the

How to convert a char array to a number for sorting?

Let’s say I have three words I want to sort: hello goodbye alex And alphabetically it’d be sorted ascendingly as [“alex”, “goodbye”, “hello”]. Is there a way to convert the string (limited to 100 characters)? For example, if I have: And I use ord to get the code for each list element: How would I create a number from that,

Strictly Increasing Path in Grid with Python

At each step we can go the one of the left,right,up or down cells only if the that cell is strictly greater thab our current cell. (We cannot move diagonally). We want to find all the paths that we can go from the top-left cell to the bottom-right cell. [[1,4,3], [5,6,7]] In our example, these paths are 1->4->6->7 and 1->5->6->7.
