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Tag: airflow

ExchangeImpersonation SOAP header must be present for this type of OAuth token in Python

Recently Microsoft has withdrawn the basic authentication service for accessing the Exchange Service. Therefore I am working on switching the authentication from basic to OAuth based. However, during the testing, I come across the below exception. I went through the suggestions mentioned here for solving but had no luck solving the issues. #Implementation Any suggestion on solving the above

How do I retrieve airflow url link to my latest task log in a DAG?

In individual DAG task, how do I set up the url link with the help from python operator as I am intending to send an url link of the latest log directly to the user whenever errors occur so that they can access to the page directly skipping the step of navigating. Answer You can define a callback function, which

How to return False when file exists with FIleSensor

I’m trying to reverse FileSensor(): that is, with It will return True if the file exists. But, how can it return False when the file exists and True when it does not? Answer You could create a PythonSensor that checks for the existence of a file with the logic that you want.

airflow on kubernetes: How to install extra python packages?

i installed airflow using bitnami repo: To install extra python packages i mounted an extra volume I prepared my requirements.txt file and then i created a ConfigMap using kubectl create -n airflow configmap requirements –from-file=requirements.txt after this i upgraded airflow using helm upgrade…. But in my dags file, i’m still getting the error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘yfinance'” Answer Posting
