I would like to create a Seaborn
scatter-plot, using the following dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3,4],'B':[2,4,6,8],'C':['y','y','n','n'],'D':[1,1,2,2]})
In my graph A
should be the x-variable
and B
the y-variable
. Furthermore I would like to color based on column D
. Finally, when C='y'
the marker should be open-faced (no facecolor) and when C='n'
the marker should have a closed. My original idea was to use the hue
and style
sns.scatterplot(x='A', y='B',
data=df, hue='D',style ='C')
However, I did not manage to obtain the graph I am looking for. Could somebody help me with this? Thank you in advance.
One cannot specify entire marker styles (so 'marker'
and 'fillstyle'
keys in your case) for matplotlib yet. Have a look on the answer to this post.
So the only thing left for you is to use different markers right away and specify them (as list or dictionary)
sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='A', y='B', hue='D', style='C', markers=['o', 's'])
Apparently, it is very hard to even create non-filled markers in seaborn, as this post explains. The only option is to do some matplotlib-seaborn-hybrid thing… So if you accept to plot things twice onto the same axis (one for a filled marker and one for the unfilled markers), you still have to dig yourself into the quirks of seaborn…