My code was working yesterday but today when I tried running it again it threw me an error and I’ve try to figure this out but I couldn’t. Hope you can help me out here. Thanks much!
import fnmatch
import os
import scipy as s
import pandas as pd
import win32com.client as win32
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.xlsx'):
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(file)
excel.Visible = False
excel.DisplayAlerts = False
wb.DoNotPromptForConvert = True
wb.CheckCompatibility = False
ws = wb.Worksheets('Exec Summary')
canvas = ws.Shapes
for shp in canvas:
if shp.TextFrame.Characters:
print("Comments Found")
And this is the error the system threw:
—> 11 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(file)
com_error: (-2147352567, ‘Exception occurred.’, (0, ‘Microsoft Excel’, “Sorry, we couldn’t find ZPC.xlsx. Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?”, ‘xlmain11.chm’, 0, -2146827284), None)
I have checked and confirm that the file is already in the directory. Have you guys encountered this before?
Can you try doing a print of your file
and see what comes up?
What is likely happening here is that you are not indicating the directory path correctly in os.listdir('.')
will check the default directory in which the python script you are running is located in.
If it is the same folder, it will work.
But if it is not, you have to specifically include the exact path of the folder. Example of how your exact filepath should look like:
filepath = r'C:UsersyournamehereDesktopyourfolderhere\' + 'ZPC.xlsx'
Example of how your os.listdir should look like:
dirpath = r'C:UsersyournamehereDesktopyourfolderhere\'
for file in os.listdir(dirpath):
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dirpath + file)
Also, if you wish to have a more elegant way of joining dirpath
and file
You can use
os.path.join(dirpath, file)