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How to save plotly express plot into a html or static image file?

However, I feel saving the figure with is pretty tricky.

How to save or plotly plot into a individual html or static image file? Anyone can help?



Updated answer:

With newer versions of plotly, static Image export in Python is a breeze. Just make sure to install kaleido using:

pip install -U kaleido

or, for Anaconda:

conda install -c conda-forge python-kaleido

And then run


Filetypes such as .jpeg and .pdf are also available options.

Producing an individual html file is still very easy:

Just use plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='C:/plotlyplots/canada_offline.html')

This will give you a html file of a plotly express bar chart with the name lifeExp in a desired folder. Remember import plotly and not only import as px.

Complete code:

# imports
import plotly
import as px

# data
df ="continent=='Oceania'")

# plotly express bar chart
fig = px.line(df, x="year", y="lifeExp", color='country')

# html file
plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='C:/plotlyplots/lifeExp.html')


enter image description here

File as it appears in the foler:

enter image description here

From here you can open the file in any browser or any other way you want.

Here’s the content as it is displayed using Notepad++

enter image description here

If you don’t mind a bit of manual labor, you dan save a .png version using the toolbar:

enter image description here

Old answer for static images:

Producing a static image automatically is a bit mote tricky.

Take a look at Static Image Export in Python if you prefer that to html.

I like to use the approach including orca that can produce a variety of image files. I haven’t found any other way to install it other than using npm which is installed with node.js If you get that in order, you only have to go run the following to get it up and running (I’m on Windows):

npm install -g electron@1.8.4 orca

pip install psutil requests

Then you can change the last line in the snippet above with fig.write_image("C:/plotlyplots/lifeExp.png") to produce a .png file.

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