How can one install a .whl (python library) from a private github repo?
I have setup a personal access token and can install the library if its not a .whl by using the following command
pip install git+https://{token}{org_name}/{repo_name}.git
However if there is a .whl in the repo and I want to install from that using:
pip install git+https://{token}{org_name}/{repo_name}/blob/master/{name.whl}
Then I get the following error:
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
I am stumped! You can pip install {name.whl} if the file is locally but not from the private github repo.
Quesiton: How to pip install name.whl on a private github repo?
You should be able to do
pip install https://{token}{user}/{repo}/master/{name.whl}