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Looping through multiple columns in a table in Python

I’m trying to loop through a table that contains covid-19 data. My table has 4 columns: month, day, location, and cases. The values of each column in the table is stored in its own list, so each list has the same length. (Ie. there is a month list, day list, location list, and cases list). There are 12 months, with

How to go to second page in kivymd python

I have the first page with login and perform checking on the .py file with database (sqlite3). Now the problem is how do I go to another page after perform the checking. Here I use the sm.windowManager but it does not work and give me a blank page. Is there anything can help me to go to other page on

Toggle tkinter window visibility

I’m trying to toggle tkinter window visibility when I click p. Answer Not sure what keyboard is though I am using it is the keyboard library. Anyway you can use tkinter itself for this. Here is an example to set you up: Also keep a note that wm_attributes() and attributes() are the same.

Scale down image represented in a tensor

I use the MNIST dataset to learn Pytorch. This is from the documentation to get a picture. Tensor comes from the torchvision dataset. This is the Tensor: I want to scale the image down to a 14×14 picture, so I guess I need a torch.Size([1, 14, 14]) I tried this, but it results in a different format: I expected this

How to overwrite previous text in center of screen

I want to print to the center of the terminal and am using: Later on I want to overwrite the text with: That is the new text should completely replace the old text. How can you do that? Answer You can use print with end and flush parameters Here is a quick example
