I have a function called plot_ih_il that receives two data frames in order to generate a plot. I also have a set of folders that each contain a .h5 file with the data I need to give to the function plot_ih_il… I’m trying to feed the function two datasets at a time but unsuccessfully. I’ve been using pathlib to do
how to draw outside mplfinance plot?
I get the error message: Is there a way to plot outside the range? Answer The workaround for this is to set show_nontrading=True I tested with your code, modifying to: and get The reason this does not work with show_nontrading=False (the default, if unspecified, value) is because in that case the x-axis values are actually just integers representing the row
String filtering in an if function not working in Python
I am writing a webscraper that scrapes data from a list of links one after the other. The problem is that the website uses the same class names for up to 3 different buttons at once with no other unique identifiers used which to my understanding makes it impossible to point to the exact button if there are more. I
How can I set the position of my cursor at the start in pygame?
I have to write a pygame program for a school project and I run into some issues concerning mouse.set_pos. I need to set the mouse position on the start of my program. Here I have set it to the middle of my little window, but everytime I run it, the mouse is not set to the middle of my window…
Importing multiple excel files with similar name, pivoting each excel file and then appending the results into a single file
My problem statement is as above. Below is my progress so far I want to extract multiple excel files from the same location namely Test1 Test2 Test3…(I am using glob to do this) (DONE) 2. I want to iterate through the folder and find files starting with a string(DONE) 3. I then formed an empty dataframe. I want to then
Why does publisher declares queue a in Pika RabbitMQ?
I have gone through the fundamentals of RabbitMQ. One thing I figured out that a publisher does not directly publish on a queue. The exchange decides on which queue the message should be published based on routing-key and type of exchange (code below is using default exchange). I have also found an example code of publisher. In line #9 the
List to csv without commas in Python
I have a following problem. I would like to save a list into a csv (in the first column). See example here: My output in excel looks like this: Desired output is: You can see that I have two issues: Firstly, each character is followed by comma. Secondly, I don`t know how to use some encoding, for example UTF-8 or
get string from list if it’s contained in another string column
I’ve a simple column of strings, and a list of strings. I need to create another column in which every row contains the string contained in the list if they are in the string_col, if it contains two or more strings from the list, then I’d like to have more rows. The result should be something like this: How can
How to create a column and set key and value to redis using Python
I have been trying to figure out how I can set key and value to a specific column. By column I mean something like: What im trying to achieve here is that I would like to be able to add a new “column” which is fruit, book and paint and inside those values I would like to add another “column”
Positioning the cursor in Windows 10 terminal window using colorama
Every bit of documentation I’ve found suggests that this should work, but the cursor position doesn’t return to 0,0. The important bits being that colorama is initialized, then every loop the cursor should be moved to 0,0 using the move(0,0) function (passing as string of “33[0;0H” to print). Answer The top left of the screen is at coordinate 1,1 not