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log file error in in Raspberry with Python

I am use Python3 in my Raspberry Pi, and I have a code that someone has shared with me, the following line is shown to record the log file: but when I tray to run the code using Python on my Raspberry I get the following error: I have also created the directory and the file manually but I get

regex to catch text until a signal word occurs

I’m trying to create a regex which catches a text until a signal word occurs. Until the signal word is not the first word my solution works fine. Since I’m using python with the regex module the code is And becomes But if the signal word is the first word it does not work properly. And becomes I want it

Python reads csv in just one column

So im am relativley new to python (using Python 3 with the spyder IDE) and i try to read in a csv file with some weather data.enter image description here The problem is that the file i have contains some empty cells and information i dont need. I only need from the row 18 as a header (all the physical

Electron Problem runing runserver

I’m developing a web app, but just yesterday when i try to run wiht runserver appeared to me this error “(electron) Sending uncompressed crash reports is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Electron. Set { compress: true } to opt-in to the new behavior. Crash reports will be uploaded gzipped, which most crash reporting servers

How to write custom JS callback in Bokeh (Python)?

I try to build a dynamic chart with Bokeh and I’m sutcked with JavaScript part, wording the Custom JS callback. I precise that I am absolutely not familiar with JavaScript. Here is my dataframe : What I am looking for is a chart with two sliders (slider_TRA & slider_TS) based on the values of variables num_tra and num_ts. Finally, I

Kivy: How to bind dropdown opening properly?

I am struggling with making DropDown opening bind properly to the releasing of the selection button. I tried using this: selection_button.bind( The binding seems to work rather randomly when I create more than one DropDown (some DropDowns open others do not and I cannot see any logic in it). However it shown exactly like this in the example in Kivy

ValueError: Expected x_max for bbox (0.65, 0.51, 1.12, 0.64, 3) to be in the range [0.0, 1.0], got 1.1234809015877545

I want to apply data augmentations from PyTorch’s Albumentations to images with bounding boxes. When I apply the HorizontalFlip Transformation, I receive this error ValueError: Expected x_max for bbox (0.6505353259854019, 0.517013871576637, 1.1234809015877545, 0.6447916687466204, 3) to be in the range [0.0, 1.0], got 1.1234809015877545. I use the following code When I apply the Cutout transformation, I do not have any error

reorder data in pandas pivot_table function

I’ve a sample dataframe I’m trying to pivot the data using The values are not in order which I’ve mentioned in the above snippet. How can I re-structure my data to (by also repeating the row labels) Answer Use DataFrame.swaplevel with DataFrame.reindex: EDIT:
