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How to call a method while another method is still running- Python

I’m working on a python program that extracts the sound from a given YouTube video url and plays it. I created a play_vid method to play the sound and a pause_vid method to pause the sound. The issue is that while the sound is still playing inside the play_vid method and I try to call the pause_vid method, the call

Function to read csv string

This question is duplicate of a now deleted earlier question now edited as per the comments provided in the original. I am trying to create a function which takes a string input in CSV format. For example “id,name,age,scoren1,Jack,NULL,12n17,Betty,28,11”. It should return the follow table: id name age score 1 Jack NULL 12 17 Betty 28 11 It should also remove

How to read 24:00 hour?

I have a csv file with 24:00 hour instead of 00:00 and try to read it with pandas. I found solution and try to adopt it. The problem is, I get an error and don’t know how to fix it. Can someone help me? My csv: The code I got from the link above adopted to my case: The error

Multiple image in one queryset Django

How to add multiple images within one django queryset that will have a image field? It can be done through foreignkey but if i use different table for image then id’s will be generated differently Can anyone help me on how exactly i can upload multiple images on one django queryset? Example: We can upload multiple images in one post

Default Parameter Confusion

I know that Python’s default parameters are only evaluated when the function is created, but I’m confused in my example why my first default parameter is getting reset each time but my empty set isn’t. In the below, I am calling the main_func() from somewhere else with a list of dates. Then iterating through the dates to collect a bunch

workbook save failing, not sure why

I apologize for the length of this. I am a relative Neophyte to Excel VBA and even more junior with Python. I have run into an issue with an error that occasionally occurs in python using OpenPyXl (just trying that for the first time). Background: I have a series of python scripts (12) running and querying an API to gather

Spotipy. Can`t pass the second part of oAuth (Python)

I want to create an app which will add some sorts of songs to the Spotify playlist. So it`s might be a good idea to use Spotipy (Python Library) to solve it. To add song to the playlist I need to know its URI. To know its URI I should use method called search ( It requires some inputs and

IndentationError In Python Script [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question
