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TraceBack Cannot connect to host

I wrote a telegram bot on the aiogram framework. The bot worked fine for over a week, with no problems. The customer started complaining about the bot freezing. I downloaded the log file and saw a bunch of different TraceBacks. This situation has been happening for two days now. List of 3 TraceBacks, for example: First Second Third On my

conditional groupby and update column – python, pandas, groupby

i have a df which I want to add a column that shows the student who is place (1) from the group(‘subject’, ‘class’) and update the column after there is a new place (1). code: ╔═════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═══════╗ ║ subject ║ class ║ student ║ place ║ ╠═════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════╣ ║ eng ║ Class_4 ║ henry ║ 7 ║ ║ math ║ Class_3 ║

How to drop pairs in dict

I want to drop value pairs in a dictionary if the first element contains a certain string (time or session), but keep the remaining pairs (word and group). dic1 is the one I have and dic2 is the one I would like. I have written a one liner that removes the entire value element but thats not really what I
