some websites automatically decline requests due to lack of user-agent, and it’s a hassle using bs4 to scrape many different types of tables. This issue was resolved before through this code: However urllib2 has been depreciated and urllib3 doesn’t have a build_opener() attribute, and I could not find an equivalent attribute either even though I’m sure it has one. Answer
Calculate average temperature/humidity between 2 dates pandas data frames
I have the following data frames: df3 Harvest_date Starting_date 2022-10-06 2022-08-06 2022-02-22 2021-12-22 df (I have all temp and humid starting from 2021-01-01 till the present) date temp humid 2022-10-06 00:30:00 2 30 2022-10-06 00:01:00 1 30 2022-10-06 00:01:30 0 30 2022-10-06 00:02:00 0 30 2022-10-06 00:02:30 -2 30 I would like to calculate the avg temperature and humidity between
using break function within the function to stop the further execution of program
I am looking to break the execution of further program if the if condition is met. is this the correct way to do so..? since break only ends the loop, but i want to end the function Answer You need to use
AWS – NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials
I’m new in AWS also a beginner in python. I have situation in here,I’m facing this kind of issue: “The NoCredentialsError is an error encountered when using the Boto3 library to interface with Amazon Web Services (AWS).Specifically, this error is encountered when your AWS credentials are missing, invalid, or cannot be located by your Python script. ” And i did
Comparing Two Functions for Recursive Digit Sum
I’m stumped as to why my solution for the Recursive Digit Sum question on HackerRank is being rejected. Background The question: For an input of string n and integer k, the number h is created by concatenating n “k” times. Find the “super digit” of h by recursively summing the integers until one is left. For example: n = ‘9875’,
How to add my own parameters into pymongo find function
Im building a python application that allows you to query data from mongoDB based on the start time and end time that the user puts in. I have been able to connect to mongoDB and put data there. I just cant seem to get the query right. I will show only the function in question because I know that connecting
Change date format of these string using Python
I have a string from a pdf that I want to transform it to the date format that I want to work with later, the string is 05Dec22 how can I change it to 12/05/2022? This is what i tried so far Answer If you execute the code you’ll get the following error, this is because your time string is
Finding root of a function with two outputs specified in return statement
I am currently writing a code in Python where the objective is to find the root of the output of a function with respect to input variable x. The code looks like this: As can be seen in the code block above, there are two outputs specified: Equity_Solve Mezzanine_Solve I now want to find the root for both outputs separately.
TypeError: TimeGrouper.__init__() got multiple values for argument ‘freq’
What am I doing wrong? This is all the code needed to reproduce. Result: Pandas version 1.5.1, Python version 3.10.6. Answer This seems to be a bug It looks like the weirdness is because Grouper.__new__() instantiates a TimeGrouper if you pass freq as a kwarg, but not if you pass freq as a positional argument. I don’t know why it
How can I effectively use the same orm model in two git repositories?
The initial situation is that I have two fast-api servers that access the same database. One is the real service for my application and the other is a service for loading data from different sources. Both services have their own Github repository, but use the same orm data model. My question is: What are best practices to manage this orm