It doesn’t look like it has that attribute, but it’d be really useful to me. Answer You have to change the state of the Text widget from NORMAL to DISABLED after entering text.insert() or text.bind() :
Appending turns my list to NoneType [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Why do these list operations (methods: clear / extend / reverse / append / sort / remove) return None, rather than the resulting list? (6 answers) Closed 5 months ago. In Python Shell, I entered: and got but when I tried: and got Does anyone know what’s going on? How can I fix/get around
Can I use a multiprocessing Queue in a function called by Pool.imap?
I’m using python 2.7, and trying to run some CPU heavy tasks in their own processes. I would like to be able to send messages back to the parent process to keep it informed of the current status of the process. The multiprocessing Queue seems perfect for this but I can’t figure out how to get it work. So, this
Python: Write a list of tuples to a file
How can I write the following list: to a text file with two columns (8 rfa) and many rows, so that I have something like this: Answer If you want to use str.format(), replace 2nd line with:
Proper way to test Django signals
I’m trying to test sent signal and it’s providing_args. Signal triggered inside contact_question_create view just after form submission. My TestCase is something like: Is this the proper way to test this signal? Any better ideas? Answer I’ve resolved the problem by myself. I think that the best solution is following:
in numpy what is the multi dimensional equivalent of take
I have this bit of code Where blocks is a 3 dimensional numpy array. What I’d like to do is replace the list comprehension with something like numpy.take, however take seems to only deal with single dimension indices. Is there something like take that will work with multidimensional indices? Also I know you could do this with a transpose, slice
Change working directory in shell with a python script
I want to implement a userland command that will take one of its arguments (path) and change the directory to that dir. After the program completion I would like the shell to be in that directory. So I want to implement cd command, but with external program. Can it be done in a python script or I have to write
Python: Sum string lengths
Is there a more idiomatic way to sum string lengths in Python than by using a loop? I tried sum(), but it only works for integers: Answer I know this is an old question, but I can’t help noting that the Python error message tells you how to do this: So:
Using NLTK and WordNet; how do I convert simple tense verb into its present, past or past participle form?
Using NLTK and WordNet, how do I convert simple tense verb into its present, past or past participle form? For example: I want to write a function which would give me verb in expected form as follows. Answer I think what you’re looking for is the NodeBox::Linguistics library. It does exactly that:
How to strip all whitespace from string
How do I strip all the spaces in a python string? For example, I want a string like strip my spaces to be turned into stripmyspaces, but I cannot seem to accomplish that with strip(): Answer Taking advantage of str.split’s behavior with no sep parameter: If you just want to remove spaces instead of all whitespace: Premature optimization Even though