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Why do I get a stray element with difflib.ndiff?

Minimal working example: Can someone please explain why there’s a newline character as the fourth element in the output list? What can I do to not get that element as ndiff output, but only the rest of the list? Answer Because ndiff expects the lines you pass in to end with newline characters, like this: In the docs for,

Anaconda (Python) – Cmder integration on Windows 10

I’m having some troubles in having Cmder working with Python through Anaconda on Windows 10 64bit. I got Anaconda working pretty well, tested to plot something with matplotlib and it works just great with Anaconda Prompt. However, if I try to run the same .py file under Cmder, I got the following error: I guess it has something to do

xlwings RunPython with function arguments

I am trying to run the RunPython function from a button in excel. I would like the function to take a parameter from a box in excel, something like this: Is this a possibility? And if so how do I write the code? I would prefer not to use UDF. Answer You can do that in two ways: 1) By

Converting molecule name to SMILES?

I was just wondering, is there any way to convert IUPAC or common molecular names to SMILES? I want to do this without having to manually convert every single one utilizing online systems. Any input would be much appreciated! For background, I am currently working with python and RDkit, so I wasn’t sure if RDkit could do this and I

Python populate a docx table with DocxTemplate

I read this documentation on python-docx-template but I’m pretty confused on the table section. Let’s say I have a docx template called Template.docx. Inside the docx file i have a table that only has headers for it’s title. How can I use python-docx-template to dynamically populate the table (add rows and values)? Answer In general, you unlease the power of

Getting fixture not found in pytest

I am getting following error while running pytest using following code im unable to figure out whats wrong please find below code snippets. Console ouput : My Base class contains following code: and test class contains following code: The test fixture is web_driver still getting error not found ! Answer web_driver() is defined outside Base class scope, so it’s invisible

Python socket not delivering packet

I am creating a simple messaging server and client in Python using the socket library. First I am doing some validation and a key exchange before I let the user send messages. Every once and a while I get an issue where the server will send a message and the client won’t receive it and then the server will move

How to use pickle to save sklearn model

I want to dump and load my Sklearn trained model using Pickle. How to do that? Answer Save: Load: In the specific case of scikit-learn, it may be better to use joblib’s replacement of pickle (dump & load), which is more efficient on objects that carry large numpy arrays internally as is often the case for fitted scikit-learn estimators: Save:
