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Converting cURL request to Python

I’m trying to turn this cURL request into a Python code. I want to eventually be able to save this to a CSV file but I need to get connected first. I started with this: The docs say this needs to be in the header: How do I include the API key? how do I save the data once its

Can I avoid that the join column of the right data frame in a pandas merge appears in the output?

I am merging two data frames with pandas. I would like to avoid that, when joining, the output includes the join column of the right table. Example: df.columns will give the output Index([‘Name’, ‘Age’, ‘Name_child’, ‘Toy’], dtype=’object’). Is there an easy way to obtain Index([‘Name’, ‘Age’, ‘Toy’], dtype=’object’) instead? I can drop the column afterwards of course like this del

How to iterate through neighbours in 2D coordinates?

In a 2D plane, I want to check the neighbouring points until meeting a condition. For example, take a red pixel in this image (x,y). I want to iterate to find the white pixel closest to the selected red pixel. This is an updated image provided by @Pranav Hosangadi My original code is now irrelevant. A possible solution is to

Creating a table with nested loops in python

I’m learning abort nested loops and I’ve gotten an assignment to create a function that takes two integer inputs. Then it should create something like in this image. Only problem is that when I use an odd number for columns it doesnt work. It has to be an “advanced nested loop” for the assignment to be approved. createTable(1, 2) Answer

Drawing straight line between two points using QPainterPath

I have a scene where I would like to draw a line between two points(mouse press should be the start point and mouse release as the endpoint) using the QPainterpath. Here is a demonstration of how I want it to be. Here is what’s happening with my current code. Below is the code I have tried Answer Every time lineTo

pymongo converts . variables into a dict

I am inserting the data to mongoDB collection through pymongo. I have logged all the information and data which is being sent to update_one statement. Data which is logged just before update_one statement : But when it got inserted into “test” then it got appended like this : Using this to update the document: So here you’ll see parsed data
