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Make a lists of list with excel values and sort by sheets

I would like to make a lists of list with excel values. I have multiple excel sheets where there is always 1 same data,and i want to put the datas into lists. Here is an example:

In the Sheet1 these are the datas:

enter image description here

And at the Sheet2 these are the datas:

enter image description here

In my code i find the 1Data and after make a list to put the {}Data into that list, and i want to make a big list where the datas are sorted by the sheets



Unfortunately i got this output:

[[‘1Data’, ‘2Data’, ‘3Data’, ‘1Data’, ‘3Data’, ‘5Data’], [‘1Data’, ‘2Data’, ‘3Data’, ‘1Data’, ‘3Data’, ‘5Data’]]

Here is my code:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook('test01.xlsx',data_only=True)

small_lst = []
big_lst = []

for sheets in wb.sheetnames:
    ws = wb[sheets]
    for i in ws.rows:
        for asd in i:
            for qwe in range(10):
                if asd.value == '{}Data'.format(qwe):




You aren’t resetting small_lst every time you are changing sheets. So you are just adding new sheet Data to the previous one.

Try moving the small_lst = [] inside the for sheets.

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