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Lambda and vectorize in python

I’m learning data analysis while performing vectorized operation with lambda function it run at first but again run it shows error as TypeError: <lambda>() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

sample data of tips.csv file

enter image description here

quality = lambda x:'Generous' if x['tip']/x['total_bill']>0.25 else 'Other'

enter image description here

This is the image that I run first which doesn’t show any error

a = np.vectorize(quality)
df['q2'] = a(df['total_bill'],df['tip'])
df['q1'] = np.vectorize(quality)(df['total_bill'],df['tip'])

enter image description here



You can vectorize solution different way – with numpy.where instead lambda and np.vectorize:

df['q1'] = np.where(df['tip']/df['total_bill']>0.25, 'Generous' ,'Other')


After some research for correct working need pass x, y to lambda and also change selecting by columns in lambda function like, because you pass 2 columns to function:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'total_bill':[1,5,1]  })

quality = lambda x, y:'Generous' if x/y>0.25 else 'Other'

a = np.vectorize(quality)
df['q2'] = a(df['total_bill'],df['tip'])
df['q1'] = np.vectorize(quality)(df['total_bill'],df['tip'])
print (df)

   tip  total_bill        q2        q1
0    1           1  Generous  Generous
1    2           5  Generous  Generous
2    6           1     Other     Other
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