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How to make list have correct number of variables inside them depending on length of one variable

I am pretty new to coding and am working on writing hangman to enhance my skills

I want the code to be able to detect how long a word is and then put that length into the correct number of variables in a array. I don’t really know how to describe it, but for example if the word was 3 letters long the array would have letter one, letter two and letter three stored in it. Something like word[0-2].

mainword = input("Enter your word")

lengthOfMainword = len(mainword)

number = list(mainword)

correctLetters =[number[0], number[1],number[2],number[3],number[4]#... on until  lengthofmainword is met or something like number[0-lenghthOfMainword]



You could try this

mainword = input("Enter your word")

lengthOfMainword = len(mainword)

number = list(mainword)
#number contains all the letters in the input
correctLetters = list(set(number))

Here correctLetters will have all the letters exactly once from the input that the user have entered
