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How to install mod_wsgi into Apache on Windows?

Other similar answers are out of date or focus on a particular error and not the whole process.

What is the full installation process of mod_wsgi into an Apache installation on Windows 10?



  1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools:

  2. Point MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR to your installation (default is C:/Apache24). Use forward slashes:

    set MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR=C:/Users/me/apache
  3. Install mod-wsgi package:

    pip install mod-wsgi

    Note: Make sure that the python version you’re using has the same architecture (32/64 bit) as your Apache version.

  4. Get module configuration:

    mod_wsgi-express module-config
  5. Copy the output of the previous command into your Apache’s httpd.conf.

When you restart Apache, mod_wsgi will be loaded. Check out the quickstart Hello World example to test your mod_wsgi installation.
