I want to clear or delete print jobs using Python.
But how can I get JobID
win32print.SetJob(hPrinter, JobID , Level , JobInfo , Command)
How could I run this code?
jobs = []
for p in win32print.EnumPrinters(win32print.PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL,None, 1):
flags, desc, name, comment = p
pHandle = win32print.OpenPrinter(name)
print = list(win32print.EnumJobs(pHandle, 0, -1, 1))
SetJob(pHandle, id, 1,JOB_CONTROL_DELETE)
#where should i get id from?
Starting from your code, I’ve managed to create a small script that deletes any print job on any (local) printer (I’ve tested it and it works).
Here it is (I’ve run it with Python 3.5):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import win32print as wprn
def main(*argv):
printer_name = None
printer_info_level = 1
for printer_info in wprn.EnumPrinters(enum_flags, printer_name, printer_info_level):
name = printer_info[2]
printer_handle = wprn.OpenPrinter(name)
job_info_level = 1
job_info_tuple = wprn.EnumJobs(printer_handle, 0, -1, job_info_level)
#print(type(job_info_tuple), len(job_info_tuple))
for job_info in job_info_tuple:
#print("t", type(job_info), job_info, dir(job_info))
wprn.SetJob(printer_handle, job_info["JobId"], job_info_level, job_info, wprn.JOB_CONTROL_DELETE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
What I said in my comment (about iterating over printers) still stands, but I suppose that is beyond the scope of this question
I’ve improved the script a little bit:
Give (more) meaningful names to variables
Use variables instead of plain numbers to increase code readability
Other small corrections
Probably, it could use some exception handling
The secret of the script consist of:
- EnumJobs returning a tuple of dictionaries (where each dictionary wraps an [MS.Docs]: JOB_INFO_1 structure – for
job_info_level = 1
), or (obviously) an empty tuple if there are no queued jobs for the printer
- EnumJobs returning a tuple of dictionaries (where each dictionary wraps an [MS.Docs]: JOB_INFO_1 structure – for
How the information from EnumJobs is passed to SetJob:
The JobID argument (that you asked about) is
(check previous bullet)Also notice the next 2 arguments: Level and JobInfo