I have a large set of latitude/longitude coordinates and would like to get the elevation for each. I want to use the OpenElevation API. According to their API Docs, I can get elevation data through the URL: https://api.open-elevation.com/api/v1/lookup?locations=10,10|20,20|41.161758,-8.583933. As you can see from the example URL, it is possible to get many elevations in a single request (provided you are using POST). However, when I try to implement the example they have used:
elevation = requests.post('https://api.open-elevation.com/api/v1/lookup', params={"locations": "10,10"}).content print(elevation)
This is the result:
b'{"error": "Invalid JSON."}'
The URL being submitted is: https://api.open-elevation.com/api/v1/lookup?locations=10%2C10 which is definitely in incorrect format.
After taking a quick look at the documentation. The POST endpoint requires the parameters be sent in the request body in JSON format with the appropriate headers
Here is a working example:
import requests import json response = requests.post( url="https://api.open-elevation.com/api/v1/lookup", headers={ "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }, data=json.dumps({ "locations": [ { "longitude": 10, "latitude": 10 }, { "longitude": 20, "latitude": 20 } ] }) ) print('Response HTTP Status Code: {status_code}'.format(status_code=response.status_code)) print('Response HTTP Response Body: {content}'.format(content=response.content))
Response HTTP Status Code: 200 Response HTTP Response Body: b'{"results": [{"latitude": 10, "longitude": 10, "elevation": 515}, {"latitude": 20, "longitude": 20, "elevation": 545}]}'