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Category: Questions

Restarting kernel, ipython console in spyder

I am having this problem in spyder where, after I run my code and exit the gui.program, the kernel needs to manually be restarted after every time my code is ran, I sometimes even have to shut down spyder as kernel crashes. I am wondering if there is a way for the kernel to automatically be reset after closing the

Python Syslog add Tag and facility

I am using the python syslog library. I want to add a tag and facility to the log. But there doesn’t seem to be a way to add a tag. There is a facility argument, but I need a custom string. Is there a way to achieve something like the following: Answer The python syslog library doesn’t have a tag

Raspberry Pi – Increase Blinking Speed LED

I have two LEDs, blue and green. I want to gradually increase the blinking speed of the green LED while the blue LED is also on at the same time for 5 seconds. Here is my code so far. To execute this function, this is the code It somehow works but the green LED is only blinking at a constant
