I’m trying to figure out how I can set an “expiration timer” on a message sent by a Telegram bot, containing a few buttons.
Long story short, there’s a function which selects a random picture from a folder, then sends it to a group, and in a separate message it sends an InlineKeyboard object with some buttons for the picture to be rated
def send_stuff(context: CallbackContext): job = context.job keyboard = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("NEVER", callback_data="NEVER"), InlineKeyboardButton("UNLIKELY", callback_data="UNLIKELY") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("MEH", callback_data="MEH"), InlineKeyboardButton("MAYBE", callback_data="MAYBE") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("YES", callback_data="YES"), InlineKeyboardButton("ABSOLUTELY", callback_data="ABSOLUTELY") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton("RATHER NOT SAY", callback_data="UNKNOWN") ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) context.bot.send_photo(job.context, photo=open(PATH+thefile, 'rb')) context.bot.send_message(job.context, text='RATE', reply_markup=reply_markup)
This function is being run by a run_daily job:
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): job = context.job chat_id = update.message.chat_id context.job_queue.run_daily( send_stuff, datetime.time(13, 45, 00, 000000, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('Europe/Bucharest')), days=tuple(range(7)), context=chat_id, name='j1' )
Then there is a handler for the user input, which edits the last message sent by the bot:
def main_handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): update.callback_query.answer() if update.callback_query.data is not None: user_input = update.callback_query.data update.effective_message.edit_text('VERDICT: ' + user_input)
What I’m trying to do is set some kind of “expiration” on the message containing the inline keyboard buttons, such that if there is no click by a user in say… 4 hours, it automatically edits itself into something like “NO ANSWER GIVEN”.
I’m not super experienced with bots, and looking through the documentation of the telegram bot libraries I have not been able to find a way to do it.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
You apparently already know how to use PTBs JobQueue
, so I’m sure that you can figure out how to schedule a new job from within the send_stuff
function that edits the sent message :) All you need for that is context.job_queue.run_once
and the return value of context.bot.send_message(job.context, text='RATE', reply_markup=reply_markup)
Disclaimer: I’m currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot