if this is the html of a whatsapp message (“😅 how 👹 are you 🎂”) then how to iterate through elements of this message and get them (print them) in order as they are by selenium?
<span dir="ltr" class="i0jNr selectable-text copyable-text"> <span> <img crossorigin="anonymous" src="" alt="😅" draggable="false" class="b75 emoji wa i0jNr selectable-text copyable-text" data-plain-text="😅" style="background-position: -60px -40px;"> " how " <img crossorigin="anonymous" src="" alt="👹" draggable="false" class="b60 emoji wa i0jNr selectable-text copyable-text" data-plain-text="👹" style="background-position: -60px -40px;"> " are you" <img crossorigin="anonymous" src="" alt="🎂" draggable="false" class="b25 emoji wa i0jNr selectable-text copyable-text" data-plain-text="🎂" style="background-position: -40px -40px;"> </span> </span>
output this should be
😅 how 👹 are you 🎂
or output can also be like this
😅 how 👹 are you 🎂
i tried this
chats = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("message-in") for i in range(0,len(chats)): messages = chats[i].find_elements_by_class_name("i0jNr") for j in range(0,len(messages)): if messages[j].text == "" : emojis = chats[i].find_elements_by_class_name("emoji") for emoji in emojis: print(emoji.get_attribute('alt')) break else: print(messages[j].text)
this is giving output as
how are you 😅 👹 🎂
so how to get elements of this in order as they are ?
You can iterate over the child of span
element and print the text in case of string and alt text in case of img
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 from bs4 import NavigableString, Tag soup = bs4(html, 'html.parser') s = soup.find('span', attrs={'class':'i0jNr'}) s = s.find('span') for i in s.children: if isinstance(i, NavigableString): print(i.strip()) elif isinstance(i, Tag): print(i.attrs['alt'])
here is code sample for your use case It’s output is for this message is
😅 how 👹 are you 🎂