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Write Large Pandas DataFrames to SQL Server database

I have 74 relatively large Pandas DataFrames (About 34,600 rows and 8 columns) that I am trying to insert into a SQL Server database as quickly as possible. After doing some research, I learned that the good ole pandas.to_sql function is not good for such large inserts into a SQL Server database, which was the initial approach that I took (very slow – almost an hour for the application to complete vs about 4 minutes when using mysql database.)

This article, and many other StackOverflow posts have been helpful in pointing me in the right direction, however I’ve hit a roadblock:

I am trying to use SQLAlchemy’s Core rather than the ORM for reasons explained in the link above. So, I am converting the dataframe to a dictionary, using pandas.to_dict and then doing an execute() and insert():

# 'data' is a list of dictionaries.

The problem is that insert is not getting any values — they appear as a bunch of empty parenthesis and I get this error:

(pyodbc.IntegretyError) ('23000', "[23000] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Cannot
insert the value NULL into the column...

There are values in the list of dictionaries that I passed in, so I can’t figure out why the values aren’t showing up.


Here’s the example I’m going off of:

def test_sqlalchemy_core(n=100000):
    t0 = time.time()
        [{"name": 'NAME ' + str(i)} for i in range(n)]
    print("SQLAlchemy Core: Total time for " + str(n) +
        " records " + str(time.time() - t0) + " secs")



I’ve got some sad news for you, SQLAlchemy actually doesn’t implement bulk imports for SQL Server, it’s actually just going to do the same slow individual INSERT statements that to_sql is doing. I would say that your best bet is to try and script something up using the bcp command line tool. Here is a script that I’ve used in the past, but no guarantees:

from subprocess import check_output, call
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os

pad = 0.1
tablename = 'sandbox.max.pybcp_test'
raise_exception = True
server = 'P01'
trusted_connection= True
df = pd.read_csv('D:/inputdata.csv', encoding='latin', error_bad_lines=False)

def get_column_def_sql(col):
   if col.dtype == object:
      width = col.str.len().max() * (1+pad)
      return '[{}] varchar({})'.format(, int(width)) 
   elif np.issubdtype(col.dtype, float):
      return'[{}] float'.format( 
   elif np.issubdtype(col.dtype, int):
      return '[{}] int'.format( 
      if raise_exception:
         raise NotImplementedError('data type {} not implemented'.format(col.dtype))
         print('Warning: cast column {} as varchar; data type {} not implemented'.format(col, col.dtype))
         width = col.str.len().max() * (1+pad)
         return '[{}] varchar({})'.format(, int(width)) 

def create_table(df, tablename, server, trusted_connection, username, password, pad):         
    if trusted_connection:
       login_string = '-E'
       login_string = '-U {} -P {}'.format(username, password)

    col_defs = []
    for col in df:
       col_defs += [get_column_def_sql(df[col])]

    query_string = 'CREATE TABLE {}n({})nGOnQUIT'.format(tablename, ',n'.join(col_defs))       
    if overwrite == True:
       query_string = "IF OBJECT_ID('{}', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE {};".format(tablename, tablename) + query_string

    query_file = 'c:\pybcp_tempqueryfile.sql'
    with open (query_file,'w') as f:

    if trusted_connection:
       login_string = '-E'
       login_string = '-U {} -P {}'.format(username, password)

    o = call('sqlcmd -S {} {} -i {}'.format(server, login_string, query_file), shell=True)
    if o != 0:
       raise BaseException("Failed to create table")
   # o = call('del {}'.format(query_file), shell=True)

def call_bcp(df, tablename):   
    if trusted_connection:
       login_string = '-T'
       login_string = '-U {} -P {}'.format(username, password)
    temp_file = 'c:\pybcp_tempqueryfile.csv'

    #remove the delimiter and change the encoding of the data frame to latin so sql server can read it
    df.loc[:,df.dtypes == object] = df.loc[:,df.dtypes == object].apply(lambda col: col.str.replace(delimiter,'').str.encode('latin'))
    df.to_csv(temp_file, index = False, sep = '|', errors='ignore')
    o = call('bcp sandbox.max.pybcp_test2 in c:pybcp_tempqueryfile.csv -S "localhost" -T -t^| -rn -c')
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