This is my code. Why its not working? Where is my problem?
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.Qt import * from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication class Ui_Form(object): def setupUi(self, Form): Form.setObjectName("Form") Form.resize(1280, 960) self.widget = QWebEngineView() self.widget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1270, 920)) self.widget.setObjectName("widget") self.widget.load(QUrl("")) self.retranslateUi(Form) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Form) def retranslateUi(self, Form): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate Form.setWindowTitle(_translate("Form", "Form")) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) Form = QtWidgets.QWidget() ui = Ui_Form() ui.setupUi(Form) sys.exit(app.exec_())
Your code has 2 problems:
The QWebEngineView is not a child of the window so it will not be displayed. Change to
self.widget = QWebEngineView(Form)
is not a valid url so you have 2 options, change to:QUrl("")