I have a root home page made using the default model that comes out of the box with Wagtail. I’m currently trying to create a navbar header that maps out children pages in the following manner:
{% for menu_page in home_page.get_children.live.in_menu %}
The problem here is, I’m using the wrong tag. Above I use home_page
, but that does not seem to work.
I am able to use:
{% for menu_page in page.get_children.live.in_menu %}
Which then lists out the menu_pages
, but this does not work for a navbar because it won’t always select children pages from the root, due to the general page
tag. Any ideas on how I can locate the actual template or page name before adding the: page.get_children.live.in_menu
To re-iterate, I am using the out of the box home page model:
from wagtail.core.models import Page
class HomePage(Page):
The title of the root page is called Home and the type is Home Page
Thanks for any possible help.
create a templatetag say nav_tags.py
from django import template
from wagtail.core.models import Page, Site
register = template.Library()
def get_site_root(context):
# This returns a core.Page. The main menu needs to have the site.root_page
# defined else will return an object attribute error ('str' object has no
# attribute 'get_children')
return Site.find_for_request(context['request']).root_page
def has_menu_children(page):
# This is used by the top_menu property
# get_children is a Treebeard API thing
# https://tabo.pe/projects/django-treebeard/docs/4.0.1/api.html
return page.get_children().live().in_menu().exists()
def has_children(page):
# Generically allow index pages to list their children
return page.get_children().live().exists()
def is_active(page, current_page):
# To give us active state on main navigation
return (current_page.url_path.startswith(page.url_path) if current_page else False)
# Retrieves the top menu items - the immediate children of the parent page
# The has_menu_children method is necessary because the Foundation menu requires
# a dropdown class to be applied to a parent
@register.inclusion_tag('tags/top_menu.html', takes_context=True)
def top_menu(context, parent, calling_page=None):
menuitems = parent.get_children().live().in_menu()
for menuitem in menuitems:
menuitem.show_dropdown = has_menu_children(menuitem)
# We don't directly check if calling_page is None since the template
# engine can pass an empty string to calling_page
# if the variable passed as calling_page does not exist.
menuitem.active = (calling_page.url_path.startswith(menuitem.url_path)
if calling_page else False)
return {
'calling_page': calling_page,
'menuitems': menuitems,
# required by the pageurl tag that we want to use within this template
'request': context['request'],
# Retrieves the children of the top menu items for the drop downs
@register.inclusion_tag('tags/top_menu_children.html', takes_context=True)
def top_menu_children(context, parent, calling_page=None):
menuitems_children = parent.get_children()
menuitems_children = menuitems_children.live().in_menu()
for menuitem in menuitems_children:
menuitem.has_dropdown = has_menu_children(menuitem)
# We don't directly check if calling_page is None since the template
# engine can pass an empty string to calling_page
# if the variable passed as calling_page does not exist.
menuitem.active (calling_page.url_path.startswith(menuitem.url_path)
if calling_page else False)
menuitem.children = menuitem.get_children().live().in_menu()
return {
'parent': parent,
'menuitems_children': menuitems_children,
'request': context['request'],
in the templates in can do so top_menu.html
{% load navigation_tags wagtailcore_tags %}
{% get_site_root as site_root %}
{% for menuitem in menuitems %}
<li class="presentation {{ menuitem.title|lower|cut:" " }}{% if menuitem.active %} active{% endif %}{% if menuitem.show_dropdown %} has-submenu{% endif %}">
{% if menuitem.show_dropdown %}
<a href="{% pageurl menuitem %}" class="allow-toggle">{{ menuitem.title }} <span><a class="caret-custom dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"></a></span></a>
{% top_menu_children parent=menuitem %}
{# Used to display child menu items #}
{% else %}
<a href="{% pageurl menuitem %}" role="menuitem">{{ menuitem.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And so for top_menu_children.html
{% load navigation_tags wagtailcore_tags %}
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
{% for child in menuitems_children %}
<li><a href="{% pageurl child %}" role="menuitem">{{ child.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
you check from here wagtailbakerydemo hope that was helpful.