This code will open a main window with an image, then another window with the same image. Is there any way to resize the image to be smaller? (go to # !>>> IMAGE 2 (2nd window))
Here is the code:
from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.title('4 Dry Out') # IMAGE 1 (1st window) img=PhotoImage(file='4 Dry Out Logo.png') Label(root,image=img).pack() # window format root.geometry("275x75") root['bg']='blue' class MainWin: # main window frame def __init__(self, master): mainFrame = Frame(master) mainFrame.pack() # main window title / button self.titleLabel = Label(master, text="4 Dry Out e-Rental", bg="blue", fg="white", font=("Arial Black", 20)) self.titleLabel.pack() self.Btn = Button(master, text="Water Damage Equipment", command=self.MenuWin, bg="navy", fg="white", font=("Roboto")).pack() # button: new window def MenuWin(self): self.record = Menu() class Menu: # new window frame def __init__(self): = Toplevel() self.frameFit = Frame( self.frameFit.pack() self.frameFit['bg']='blue' # !>>> IMAGE 2 (2nd window) photo = PhotoImage(file='4 Dry Out Logo.png') label = Label(,image=photo) label.image = photo # reference! label.pack() # portal title self.TitleLabel = Label(self.frameFit, text="e-Rental Portal", bg="blue", fg="white", font=("Arial Black",15)).pack() # start / end winStart = MainWin(root) root.mainloop()
I see Bryan Oakley has already posted an answer your question, but I’ll supplement it with my own, which also fixes several other problems (some related to this) I noticed in your code and shows how to resize the image without using PIL using the subsample()
method Bryan mentioned in a comment under your related question that was closed as a duplicate.
You can find some documentation on it, copy()
, zoom()
, as well as the other methods of the Photoimage
class has by using Python’s built-in help system from the Python console: i.e.
>>> import tkinter >>> help(tkinter.PhotoImage)
It’s also in the source code of course.
Here’s the code in your question code with fixes:
from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import * #image_filename = '4 Dry Out Logo.png' image_filename = '8-ball.png' # I don't have your image. root = Tk() root.title('4 Dry Out') # IMAGE 1 (1st window) img = PhotoImage(file=image_filename) Label(root,image=img).pack() # window format root.geometry("500x500") root['bg'] = 'blue' class MainWin: # main window frame def __init__(self, master): mainFrame = Frame(master) mainFrame.pack() # main window title / button self.titleLabel = Label(master, text="4 Dry Out e-Rental", bg="blue", fg="white", font=("Arial Black", 20)) self.titleLabel.pack() self.Btn = Button(master, text="Water Damage Equipment", command=self.MenuWin, bg="navy", fg="white", font=("Roboto")) self.Btn.pack() # button: new window def MenuWin(self): self.record = Menu() class Menu: # new window frame def __init__(self): = Toplevel() self.frameFit = Frame( self.frameFit.pack() self.frameFit['bg']='blue' # IMAGE 2 <<< # img = PhotoImage(file='4 Dry Out Logo.png') small_img = img.subsample(2) # Smaller copy of global img size 50% Label(, image=small_img).pack() self.lbl_image = small_img # Save reference to local image object. # portal title self.TitleLabel = Label(self.frameFit, text="e-Rental Portal", bg="blue", fg="white", font=("Arial Black", 15)) self.TitleLabel.pack() # start / end winStart = MainWin(root) root.mainloop()
I don’t have your 4 Dry Out Logo.png
logo image, but here’s how things looked after clicking the button while running on my system using a substitute image .