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Tag: xgboost

Tuning the hyperparameter with gridsearch results in overfitting

Tuning the hyperparameter with gridsearch results in overfitting. The train error is definitely low, but the test error is high. Can’t you adjust the hyperparameter to lower the test error? before tuning train_error: 0.386055, test_error: 0.674069 -after tuning train_error: 0.070645, test_error: 0.708254 Answer It all depends on the data you are training. If the data you are using for training

What does the value of ‘leaf’ in the following xgboost model tree diagram means?

I am guessing that it is conditional probability given that the above (tree branch) condition exists. However, I am not clear on it. If you want to read more about the data used or how do we get this diagram then go to : Answer Attribute leaf is the predicted value. In other words, if the evaluation of a
