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Tag: wordnet

Neither stemmer nor lemmatizer seem to work very well, what should I do?

I am new to text analysis and am trying to create a bag of words model(using sklearn’s CountVectorizer method). I have a data frame with a column of text with words like ‘acid’, ‘acidic’, ‘acidity’, ‘wood’, ‘woodsy’, ‘woody’. I think that ‘acid’ and ‘wood’ should be the only words included in the final output, however neither stemming nor lemmatizing seems

Meaningless Spacy Nouns

I am using Spacy for extracting nouns from sentences. These sentences are grammatically poor and may contain some spelling mistakes as well. Here is the code that I am using: Code Output: Similarly for sentence “fast foward2”, I get Spacy noun as Which shows that these nouns have some meaningless words like: sfx, foward2, ms, 64x, bit, pwm, r, brailledisplayfastmovement,
