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Tag: web-applications

Synchronization for video/audio/text message in flask web app framework for facial emotion recognition

I have trained a CNN model in Google Colab for facial expression detection with the FER2013 dataset containing 7 emotion classes (‘Angry’, ‘Disgust’, ‘Fear’, ‘Happy’, ‘Sad’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Neutral’). Used flask framework to build a web application. OpenCV’s haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml is used to detect faces. With this I’m able to do real-time live streaming of the video using my laptop’s webcam and

Inheriting name of category in Flask

I am working on budget app in Flask. Homepage give you ability to create names of Budgets and then names are transformed to links href which transfer you to another page with budget details. I want heading from /add_budget page to be inherit from budget name defined by user and it works fine until I add second budget – in

Removing the selected items from streamlet’s multiselect

I am trying to delete objects from a list by choosing them via streamlits multiselect widget, having the list entries as entries of the widget. Thus, the list also decides what options are in the multiselect box. However, after the app reruns—once I deleted some options—I get the error: streamlit.errors.StreamlitAPIException: Every Multiselect default value must exist in options Here is

Trouble running a Python script through VB

The objective is to receive an image path and pass that to a Python program as an argument, then receive the results. This is done through a web app using VB (on the IIS server) and it works perfectly except when I import the python module OpenCV (imported in Python as cv2, more specifically). What’s even more confusing is that
