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Tag: ubuntu

How to setup ffmpeg in docker container

I want to compress the video from project directory using ffmpeg in python the video is saved from cv2.VideoCapture(rtsp_url) Normally it run without problem in my local machine, but when I dockerize my app it seems docker container can’t recognize ffmpeg or I missed something. It throws exception This is how I docker my python app. Answer To debug your

Using bind mount in Docker (Ubuntu 20.04)

I am really new to Linux and Docker, and i want to not rebuild docker image after every change of my code. I read, that you can use bind mount, but i can’t understand it’s syntax and usage. My Python files with Dockerfile is located at /etc/python-docker Answer You can mount your python files inside the container with the -v

uwsgi failed to open python file /root/ … / (DJANGO)

/var/log/uwsgi/myapp.log: I don’t understand the reason for the error: Tue Jan 11 15:27:45 2022 – failed to open python file /root/eva/lawyer/lawyer/ I can’t understand why uwsgi can’t open this python file. The path to it is right myapp.ini: Tell me, please, what could be the cause of the error and how to solve it? This seems like an easy problem

PyPy and Python version

I have installed latest version of PyPy using sudo apt install pypy pypy-dev on my Xubuntu. When I try python –version I see that I have Python 3.8.10 installed. When I try pypy –version I got Thats a problem because my script is written in Python 3 and I want to use pandas library in this script. How can I

How to use Python3.10 on Ubuntu?

I have installed Python 3.10 from deadsnakes on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine. How to use it? python3 –version returns Python 3.8.10 and python3.10 -m venv venv returns error (I’ve installed python3-venv as well). Answer python3.10 –version will work. python3-venv is for 3.8, so install python3.10-venv. For reference: deadsnakes packages for 3.10 for Focal.

Getting error about bad escape during start of Arelle

I am trying to get Arelle working on Ubuntu linux 18.04 with Python 3.6.9. Step-1: (Download Arelle software): git clone -b lxml Step-2 Install Python LXML: apt-get install -y python-lxml Step-3 Install Python tk: Due to error: ‘No module named tkinter’ …I install: apt-get install python3-tk When it’s time to start Arelle from terminal, I use: I then get

PIP Install file not found on Linux Servers [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’m trying to install PIP on Ubuntu 20.04.02 but apparently the command sudo
