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Tag: tesseract

Error in the installation of tesseract ( pycharm python)

I have installed open-cv, jupyter … But i have problems with tesseract. I have installed tesseract application but i can’t install this on pycharm. Someone can help me? Answer First you need to install the executable file. The link of downloading executable file on windows: If you have already installed the executable file of tesseract then you can install

How to solve Tesseract “Failed loading language ‘eng'” problem in a Docker image

I recently received an error such as: I have a python file where I specify the pytesseract location: pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r”to/my/path” then I also included the tesseract and pytessearch in requirements and install tesseract-ocr in dockerfile. I do not understand why it happens but can anyone assist? I actually also copied my tesseract-ocr folder to image in dockerfile Edited: Below
