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Tag: styler

Pandas Styler.to_latex() – how to pass commands and do simple editing

How do I pass the following commands into the latex environment? centering (I need landscape tables to be centered) and caption* (I need to skip for a panel the table numbering) In addition, I would need to add parentheses and asterisks to the t-statistics, meaning row-specific formatting on the dataframes. For example: Current variable value const 2.439628 t stat 13.921319

Control how NAs are displayed with pandas styler

I am trying to use the na_rep argument of to control how cells with NaN are shown in the table. Documentation: Reproducible code: I get this error message. TypeError: format() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘na_rep’ Do you know a work around? Tks! Answer I ended up using a grey color for the text and the background of
