I would like to add string Null at the end if conversion is 0 and add conversion column value if conversion value is 1 . `I have a below error TypeError: Cannot broadcast np.ndarray with operand of type <class ‘list’> Answer If you have dataframe like this: Then this will create new “path” column: Prints: EDIT: To append to a
Tag: string
Dictionary of Words as keys and the Sentences it appears in as values
I have a text which I split into a list of unique words using set. I also have split the text into a list of sentences. I then split that list of sentences into a list of lists (of the words in each sentence / maybe I don’t need to do the last part) I want to write a loop
How to go back a character in a string in Python
What I’m trying to figure out is how to go back a position in a string. Say I have a word and I’m checking every letter, but once I get to a “Y” I need to check if the character before was a vowel or not. (I’m a beginner in this language so I’m trying to practice some stuff I
python string concatenation following a sequence
What would be the most pythonic way of creating the following string concatenation: We have an initial dataframe with some of the columns being: origin dest_1_country dest_1_city dest_2_country dest_2_city dest_3_country dest_3_city dest_4_country dest_4_city We want to create an additional column that is the full route for every row in the dataframe and that could be generated by df[‘full_route’] = df[‘origin].fillna(“”)
Python RegEx check string
im trying to set correct version on output. I have this possible strings: # 1. # 2. # 3. and i need to check, if the “0.” is on the start (to set output without 0. or 0.0.) Output 1. will have just “4.1”, 2. gonna stay the same and 3. will be 1.4.1 Im trying to
How can I read a byte array file of strings?
There is a file with following contents: This is my try to read the lines and convert them to readable utf characters, but still it shows the same strings in the output file: The output file is: As you see, the problem exists for input line but not for target and prediction lines (however scrambled but that’s okay) Answer It
Python string format
I have defined the string variable I need to use this variable in another string like I tried adding the rf option like this But it’s printing only until c:/program, white spaces are neglected. Is there any way to use entire path in Bashcmd and can’t remove spaces in directory path because many system share same paths. Answer You can
Convert string array to array of array in python
I have input like this How to convert it into an array of array in Python like this? Answer Use str.split with map : If you want to convert each item to int:
Iterate through release notes and count fixes per date
I hope you are well. I’m trying to find every instance of “Fix” in release notes, and grab the date (which is usually a line above). For example (section of release notes): I would want to grab the amount of “fix” occurrences and their corresponding date. Example output: Here is what I’ve been trying: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How do i return a string if a list is empty in python
I’m fairly new to coding, but what this project is asking, is to complete the function so that if a list is empty, it returns the string “does not exist” but currently, it comes up with a bunch of errors. How do I go about adding a function within my lowest_number definition that returns a string if a list is