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Tag: streamlit

TypeError: Object of type mappingproxy is not JSON serializable

I am having an issue when trying to convert a class object to JSON format. Actually, I have an ECG class object and my expectation is to convert that object to a string in JSON format. Ex: { “Source”: “MIT”, “FileName”: “100”, “Channel”: 2, “Record”: 11520000, “Time”: 1800, “SampleRate”: 500 } Log: Answer I tried to guess

Streamlit, Python, and Pandas: Duplicate keys and writing

With Python and Streamlit I’m build apps to assist teachers grading essays. In this segment of the app the user is provided with all the student submissions as .txt files. These files are displayed on the main screen, and users scroll down to display additional texts. In a sidebar there are input fields for entering in comments and grades for

Removing the selected items from streamlet’s multiselect

I am trying to delete objects from a list by choosing them via streamlits multiselect widget, having the list entries as entries of the widget. Thus, the list also decides what options are in the multiselect box. However, after the app reruns—once I deleted some options—I get the error: streamlit.errors.StreamlitAPIException: Every Multiselect default value must exist in options Here is

Dropdownmenu in Streamlit without brackets and quotes

I am using streamlit for displaying a dropdown menu based on a csv list (symbols.csv). This is how the csv list looks: This is the code I am writing: And this is how streamlit is displaying the dropdownmenu: I would like to remove those brackets and quotes from the dropdownmenu, I would like to show only in the format “Bitcoin,

Plotting spatial data on individual map using altair

I want to plot spatial data on a map. I want to use streamlit because it seems to be easy to use and I want to explore it a bit. First a tried plotting my data with their inbuilt deck_gl-API. This worked pretty good, but since I need to plot glyphs/icons and the IconLayer isn’t built into streamlit yet, I
