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Tag: stack

if elif when looping thru for loop with stack problem in python

the problem is here: Given a Unix path, represented as a list of strings, return its resolved version. In Unix, “..” means to go to the previous directory and “.” means to stay on the current directory. By resolving, we mean to evaluate the two symbols so that we get the final directory we’re currently in. Constraints n ≤

pushing and poping into new list

I am trying to make a loop that if the program sees a letter or number it will push(x) into a new list and if it sees an asterisk * it must pop(). It is more of a stack algorithm where the first letter or number in is the last one out. FILO First in last out For example If

Stacking a number of columns into one column in python

I have a pandas dataframe of 100 rows x 7 columns like this: Values in column source are connected to the values in the other columns. For example, a is connected to contact_1, contact_2… contact_5. In the same way, b is connected to contact_6, contact_7 …. and contact_10. I want to stack these columns into two columns only (i.e. source

Python prefix to infix notation using a stack data structure

I have an assignment problem on using a stack data structure to solve problems. I am prompted to make the following stack function. Task: Using the stack you created, write the function prefix_infix that takes in a prefix expression (represented as a list) and returns the expression in fully parenthesized infix notation. Consider expressions involving only binary operators(+,-,*,/) You may
