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Tag: sprite

Python Snake Game snake does not follow

I am creating Snake game in pygame using Sprite logic how do i chain the movement of the snake? another question on this has been answered here but i cant apply it to my code: see here the minimal example above works. try it first and you will see my issue :) the snake grows on collision with the red

Why won’t my Pygame sprite jump code work?

I am trying to make my Pygame sprite jump so I followed a tutorial and this is what it gave me. But it doesn’t work for some reason. What’s wrong with it Answer You need to set somewher isjump = True. Additionally the if isjump == False: needs an else case:

How to spawn sprites from multiple sides?

I´m creating simple game where I play as aeroplane and i´m dodging rockets (rockets appear from right side), I did something like barrier which block enemies and kill them, but it´s too OP, so I want to nerf it, so I´m going to spawn enemies from both, right side, and top side. But I really don´t know how to spawn

Pygame sprite not moving while jumping [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: How to make a character jump in Pygame? (1 answer) Closed last year. I’m confused why my sprite is not moving while jumping. I’ve checked several times and changed my code over and over with no luck. My code is below and contains 3 pages, first contain the main loop, second contain the
