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Tag: spacy

What does this “.children” attribute do?

I’m trying to understand a Key-Bigram extractor’s working and I cannot understand what does the following block of code do. Here is the source code. Everything else is workin fine and I understood well, however I can not understand what child for child in possible_words.children does. Answer token.children uses the dependency parse to get all tokens that directly depend on

how to save space training

I have written an intent classification program. This is first trained with training data and then tested with test data. The training process takes a few seconds. What is the best way to save such a training, so that it does not have to be trained again with every call? Is it enough to save train_X and train_y? or does

How to resolve TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object – word_tokenize, Counter and spacy

My dataset is a sales transactions history of an online store. I need to create a category based on the texts in the Description column. I have done some text pre-processing and clustering. This is how the dataframe cat_df head looks like: Description Text Cluster9 0 WHITE HANGING HEART T-LIGHT HOLDER white hanging heart t-light holder 1 1 WHITE METAL

Using spacy to redact names from a column in a data frame

I have a data frame named “df1”. This data frame has 12 columns. The last column in this data frame is called notes. I need to replace common names like “john, sally and richard” from this column and replace the values with xxxx or something similar. I have a working script that is creating this data frame from MS SQL.

How to fix spaCy en_training incompatible with current spaCy version

spaCy version 3.2.1 Python version 3.9.7 OS Window Answer For spacy v2 models, the under-constrained requirement >=2.1.4 means >=2.1.4,<2.2.0 in effect, and as a result this model will only work with spacy v2.1.x. There is no way to convert a v2 model to v3. You can either use the model with v2.1.x or retrain the model from scratch with your

spacy Entity Ruler pattern isn’t working for ent_type

I am trying to get the entity ruler patterns to use a combination of lemma & ent_type to generate a tag for the phrase “landed (or land) in Baltimore(location)”. It seems to be working with the Matcher, but not the entity ruler I created. I set the override ents to True, so not really sure why this isn’t working. It

Cant load spacy en_core_web_trf

As the self guide says, I’ve installed it with (conda environment) I have spacy-transformers already installed. But when I simply do: It shows me this error: More info about the error: Answer Are you sure you did install spacy-transformers? After installing spacy? I am using pip: pip install spacy-transformers and I have no problems loading the en_core_web_trf.

Problem to covert data from CoNLL format to spacy format

How can I covert data from CoNLL format to spacy format? I’ve executed current code following similar Q&A on stackoverflow: How to convert from CoNLL format to spacy format. CoNLL spacyformat However, I cannot fix the error. Code Error Message I’ve read the document, spacy convert, but have no idea how to fix the error. Environment Python 3.9.1 spaCy version
