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Tag: set

converting a set() to an int python

So my question is how can you (or if it can be done at all) convert data type of set to an integer? for example: (IS A TOY EXAMPLE TO EXPLAIN WHAT I’M TRYING TO DO) Output: <class ‘int’> So any assistance in the conversion of a set() to an int would be greatful. I have seen this how-can-i-convert-a-set-of-numeric-strings-to-a-set-of-integers which

How to add() runtime input in a set in python?

Problem I am trying to add() elements in a set at run time using a for loop: Surprisingly, l1 is a set but, when I go on add() -ing elements to my set l2 in a loop I get : TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’ Research Effort: Here are other ways I have tried to add() elements to set l2 and

Equality between frozensets

Example: Frozen sets are immutable. I would expect that equality between immutable objects should by determined by order, but here obviously that is not the case. How can I discard frozensets with same elements and different order, without casting to different type? Answer The short answer is you can’t, since as pointed out in the comments, sets and frozensets are
