My code is When I run the cell it only presents me with the last item in the table when there are supposed to be 12 items shown. It’s not crucial that I use pandas but I’d like to learn so I’m hoping there’s a fix. Answer You had the rows_processed.append(row) outside the for loop, so you were actually just
Tag: selenium
Get element text with a partial string match using Selenium (Python)
I am trying to extract the text from within a <strong> tag that is deeply nested in the HTML content of this webpage: For example: The strong tag is the only one on the webpage that will contain the string ‘cubic meters’. My objective is to extract the entire text, i.e., “138124 cubic meters Liquid Gas”. When I try
How do I disable Cookies on Selenium Chrome?
I have been looking around stackoverflow and I cannot find a solution to this. The solutions I did find were apparently old. This is the error I get My code: Answer Everything looks okay, but the error says chromedriver’ executable needs to be in PATH , right ? Which means instead of : you need to do this : should
Scraping dynamic dropdown with Selenium in Python
I woud like a bit of help with the following. I am trying to scrape the elements of the tickers’ dropdown on this website: My code is as follow using selenium This will only return As it is an Ajax call I am not sure how to retrieve the other tickers in an efficient way. I thought the function
Python Selenium Button Click with Class Not working
I want to login to through selenium using safari. I’m able to enter username and password however since both of them have an ID, however with any of the selenium methods to locate a button I’m not able to do click on the “Log In” button. When I try it either shows an error or open Google Login. I
Web Scraping ESPN Data With Selenium
I’m trying to scrape some data off ESPN and run some calculations off the scraped data. Ideally, I will like to iterate through a dataframe, grab the players name with Selenium, send the player’s name into the search box and tell Selenium to click the player’s name. I was able to do this successfully with one player. I’m not quite
Scraping etoro with python
I’m trying to use Selenium to automatically connect to my etoro account and get some figures from my portfolio. I work on Google Colab and from now, here is what I have: However, I have this error message I have tried to change and use find_element_by_class, by_xpath, etc but I couldn’t find how to do it. Could you give me
Get embedded JSON data in div using selenium
I am new to scraping with Selenium and am stumped on how to extract a JSON that is conveniently available directly within a div. The div even contains a tag named data-json The basic code I have so far is: The JSON that I am looking for is a div within a div, where the outermost div has a tag
Python Selenium – How To Click a Non Button Element [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Ive Been Trying to Click a Button on But With No Success
Getting the likes and comments of a photo from Facebook using Selenium
I’m looking forward to getting what the title describes. I’ve already found the way to log in and get the photos of any profile that I search for. But when it comes to the comments or likes of any photo that I select, I cannot get them. By this, I mean that Chromedriver clicks on the photo for displaying it,