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Tag: seaborn

How to mix the outliers (from boxplot or not) with violin plot?

The graphs. The first graph is captured from And the second one is created by myself. I found this requirement when I was doing my python matplotlib assignment since the professor required us to highlight the outliers on violin plot whether they existed. For the violin plot I created, there is no y values, or in other words, the

Creating multiple plots with for loop?

I have a dictionary of dataframes where the key is the name of each dataframe and the value is the dataframe itself. I am looking to iterate through the dictionary and quickly plot the top 10 rows in each dataframe. Each dataframe would have its own plot. I’ve attempted this with the following: This works, but only returns a plot

Plotting graph from data frame

Plotting the graph for both South Asia and Eastern Asia using the above function is showing the same countries and same graphs .What mistake am I doing while writing the above code, I can’t figure that out? enter image description here Answer The problem is with your function. Remove the for loop and it should work

Plot a Seaborn heatmap over a background picture

I have a following problem. I would like to plot my heatmap over an image. See my simplified code below: What is the problem here? Is it because the color for 0 values in my heatmap is black? I tried to follow answer here, but it did not work to me: Plotting seaborn heatmap on top of a background picture

python, How to get smoother value?

Somehow seaborn draws smoother line than actual data. For example, for x-value 0.18, actual data is like 11 but value on smoother line is about 3. How would I get value 3 for the x-value when given the list of data? The actual data are: Answer You can access the plot data with: out:
