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Tag: seaborn

Changing color of seaborn plot line

I can’t change the color of a 2d line in seaborn. I have 2 lines in my plot and I want to assign different colors for both of them. But color=’red’ does not change the color, why? Answer You have a couple of options here. You can tweak your use of the color parameter, or you can use the palette

Seaborn scatter plot from pandas dataframe colours based on third column

I have a pandas dataframe, with columns ‘groupname’, ‘result’, and ‘temperature’. I’ve plotted a Seaborn swarmplot, where x=’groupname’ and y=’result’, which shows the results data separated into the groups. What I also want to do is to colour the markers according to their temperature, using a colormap, so that for example the coldest are blue and hottest red. Plotting the

Prevent Sharing of Y Axes in a relplot

I’m having trouble getting seaborn’s relplot function to plot with different y axes on each row (while sharing x axes per column). I can see that both the FacetGrid and catplot methods in seaborn have a sharex/sharey keyword argument that would solve my problem, but I can’t find a similar one in relplot. Is there some way I can work

Seaborn Color Palette not working appropiate with lineplot

I’m having a little trouble with customizing my colors for a lineplot. I want to show an ensemble of spectras with a sequential color palette. The argument “palette=”blues” works fine, but does not accept any appropriate color lists (like “Blues_d”), which do not include any bright colors. Below you can see the code I’m using. The problem is, that I
