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Tag: scikit-learn

Sklearn NearestNeighbors (Mahalanobis) – too many arguments?

I’m using scikit-learn’s NearestNeighbors with Mahalanobis distance. d1 and d2 are both numpy arrays of 2-element lists of numbers. e.g.: I’ve used almost this exact code in the past, but today I’m getting the following error: Any tips on how to resolve this would be wildly appreciated! Thanks! Answer change ‘V’ to ‘VI’, maybe this help:

How do I load a dataframe in Python sklearn?

I did some computations in an IPython Notebook and ended up with a dataframe df which isn’t saved anywhere yet. In the same IPython Notebook, I want to work with this dataframe using sklearn. df is a dataframe with 4 columns: id (string), value(int), rated(bool), score(float). I am trying to determine what influences the score the most just like in

How to print KMeans intiatial parameters?

I am using PyCharm to run Kmeans using Iris data. When I run this, simply prints KMeans() But I would like it to print the following: How can this be accomplished? Answer Simply run kmeans.get_params(). This will print out the parameters (default or custom) used while instantiating the function in a dictionary format. Please refer this link for more information.

Training on multiple data sets with scikit.mlpregressor

I’m currently training my first neural network on a larger dataset. I have splitted my training data to several .npy binary files, that each contain batches of 20k training samples. I’m loading the data from the npy files, apply some simple pre-processing operations, and then start to train my network by applying the partial_fit method several times in a loop:
