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Tag: scikit-learn

sklearn plot confusion matrix with labels

I want to plot a confusion matrix to visualize the classifer’s performance, but it shows only the numbers of the labels, not the labels themselves: How can I add the labels (health, business..etc) to the confusion matrix? Answer As hinted in this question, you have to “open” the lower-level artist API, by storing the figure and axis objects passed by

Ensamble methods with scikit-learn

Is there any way to combine different classifiers into one in sklearn? I find sklearn.ensamble package. It contains different models, like AdaBoost and RandofForest, but they use decision trees under the hood and I want to use different methods, like SVM and Logistic regression. Is it possible with sklearn? Answer Do you just want to do majority voting? This is

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

I have a (26424 x 144) array and I want to perform PCA over it using Python. However, there is no particular place on the web that explains about how to achieve this task (There are some sites which just do PCA according to their own – there is no generalized way of doing so that I can find). Anybody
