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Tag: scikit-learn

Imbalanced-Learn’s FunctionSampler throws ValueError

I want to use the class FunctionSampler from imblearn to create my own custom class for resampling my dataset. I have a one-dimensional feature Series containing paths for each subject and a label Series containing the labels for each subject. Both come from a pd.DataFrame. I know that I have to reshape the feature array first since it is one-dimensional.

Macro VS Micro VS Weighted VS Samples F1 Score

In sklearn.metrics.f1_score, the f1 score has a parameter called “average”. What does macro, micro, weighted, and samples mean? Please elaborate, because in the documentation, it was not explained properly. Or simply answer the following: Why is “samples” best parameter for multilabel classification? Why is micro best for an imbalanced dataset? what’s the difference between weighted and macro? Answer The question

How to use pickle to save sklearn model

I want to dump and load my Sklearn trained model using Pickle. How to do that? Answer Save: Load: In the specific case of scikit-learn, it may be better to use joblib’s replacement of pickle (dump & load), which is more efficient on objects that carry large numpy arrays internally as is often the case for fitted scikit-learn estimators: Save:

Load Machine Learning sklearn models (RandomForestClassifier) through java and send as argument to a function in python file

I have a ML model which is trained as saved as pickle file, Randomforestclassifier.pkl. I want to load this one time using java and then execute my “prediction” part code which is written python. So my workflow is like: Read Randomforestclassifier.pkl file (one time) Send this model as input to function defined in “” which is executed from java for
