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Tag: ruby

What is the Python equivalent of Ruby’s Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(STRING))

I am trying to port parts of a ruby project to python and cannot figure out the equivalent to Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(STRING)) Closest I have gotten is base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.sha256(STRING.encode(‘utf-8′)).digest()) however giving the input of StackOverflow it returns: b’HFqE4xhK0TPtcmK7rNQMl3bsQRnD-sNum5_K9vY1G98=’ for Python and MWM1YTg0ZTMxODRhZDEzM2VkNzI2MmJiYWNkNDBjOTc3NmVjNDExOWMzZmFjMzZlOWI5ZmNhZjZmNjM1MWJkZg== in Ruby. Full Python & Ruby Code: Ruby Python Answer In your original Python code, you used digest instead of hexdigest

Translating python raw string / regex to ruby

I’m currently trying to translate a python script to ruby. Now I’m stuck on a part that uses a raw string for a regex. This is the original python code: This is my attempt to translate it to ruby: Unfortunately I must be doing it wrong because I get this error: I also tried: But it results in the same

Python’s enumerate in Ruby?

Is something built in for this? It doesn’t need to have it’s members immutable, it just needs to be in the standard library. I don’t want to be the guy who subclasses the Array class to add a Python feature to a project. Does it have a different name in Ruby? Answer Something like this in Python: becomes this in

Do Python regular expressions have an equivalent to Ruby’s atomic grouping?

Ruby’s regular expressions have a feature called atomic grouping (?>regexp), described here, is there any equivalent in Python’s re module? Answer Python does not directly support this feature, but you can emulate it by using a zero-width lookahead assert ((?=RE)), which matches from the current point with the same semantics you want, putting a named group ((?P<name>RE)) inside the lookahead,

generate video pixel by pixel, programmatically

I’d like to generate an animation pixel by pixel programmatically. Preferably in Hi-Def, in Python or in Ruby. I thought about using PIL to make each frame and then convert the frames into video. Is there a better way to do this? EDIT: Clarification, this is 2D and I need the pixels to be precise. EDITEDIT: Something like this: Would
