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Tag: rsa

trying to convert Java RSA-PSS signature verification code (with SHA256 hash, SHA1 MGF hash) to Python

Here’s my Java code, which successfully verifies the signature, as expected. The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen at in case you want to try to reproduce the issue. My Python code, which does not verify the signature, as expected: The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen

unable to use OAEP decryption in python

Here’s my code: Here’s the error I get: What am I doing wrong? I’m running Python 3.8.3. Answer The mgfunc parameter (3rd parameter) for the mask generation function is incorrectly specified in the posted code. According to the description of mgfunc (callable) – A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the

Cannot decode encrypted rsa message python3

I’m encoding a message with rsa.encrypt but then I cannot convert the encrypted data to a str with .decode(). That’s a bit strange because the encrypted data is a bytes string and there shouldn’t be any problem converting that to a str. data = [, data, self.my_pubkey] # actually don’t care about type of components, they are correct My code:

extracting public key from certificate and encrypting data

This is for a homework assignment! I get the server’s certificate using get_peer_certificate() and the calling dump_certificate to dump the certificate in a variable. The format is PEM and looks right to me. How do I extract the server’s public key from this file (‘server.pubkey’) and encrypt plaintext using RSA algorithm and any python library. At the time of writing
