I have the following method that, given a target integer, generates all ways to create that integer from an ordered row of integers, subject to the condition that the column index (starting from one) multiplied by the number sums to the target for each row. Below is some code that achieves this. Notice that all rows sum to target=7, i.e.
Tag: recursion
Writing a python function for raising irrational numbers to higher powers
I want to write a function in python called compute(a,b,p,n) where a,b,n are integers and n>0 and p is prime, that outputs the tuple (x,y) (x,y being integers) such that Note that the constraints of the problem state that you’re not allowed to use any external libraries. Now, I set about to solve this problem by writing a recursive function.
Getting KeyError in the following code to find “minimum number square to the number”
I am getting the error in the following code for the above stated problem using memoization please help me find the error and correct the code. Answer It would help if you provided the full error output, which should include the line number and surrounding code. However, I suspect the issue lies in the following line: You’re checking whether the
How To Recurisve JSON file without any loop (like:for,while,etc) in Python
I’m confuse how to create recursive function to print JSON file without any loops in Python3. So i have home work from my college, the subject is about recursion in function, the lecturer told me to to use recursion only instead of loops. My json file in Category.json is: My python code is: I’m not finishing my code because i’m
Why does “temp” in this piece of code keep the value from the left side when doing right side?
this is really confusing me. For a “Input: root = [5,4,8,11,null,13,4,7,2,null,null,5,1], targetSum = 22” picture of the tree: https://imgur.com/a/cAK8kQn As this code goes through the recursions, at temp = [5,4,11], dfs(node.left …) will turn this into [5,4,11,7] but temp is still [5,4,11], so dfs(node.right …) should turn this into [5,4,11,2] but the 7 from dfs(node.left …) shows up to make
Python pandas dataframe populate hierarchical levels from parent child
I have the following dataframe which contains Parent child relation: I would like to get a new dataframe which contains e.g. all children of parent a: child level1 level2 level x d a b – b a – – c a – – f a c – h a c f g a c – I do not know how
Error in N Queens Problem using Backtracking and Recursion
I first implemented a zero matrix indicating that all the positions of the chessboard are initially available and then I implemented three functions to fill the restrictedIndices and then the recursive function I am getting wrong output and I would kindly like to know if we can solve the problem this way and if there is a better alternative. I
How to stop Recursion and return answer?
This is a sudoku solver function and I have 2 questions: Why 2nd print print the original sudoku? How can I get the sudoku solution (not print it), because I want to reuse the solution. (I have tried using return sudoku but get None) Thanks:) Answer Maybe it is not elegant but I use global list all_solutions and append duplicated
How do I append things on list through recursion?
I have this code: Theoretically, when I input a list of numbers, it will return the list of positive numbers. For example, when I pass [2,5,-3,-5,2,-6] it will return [2,5,2]. But in my code, what happens is that the positive values are evaluated so this returns 9. I think my problem is that in A [0]+positive(A[1:]) line but I don’t
How to use recursion to give the minimum integer in a list using python?
I am trying to write a recursive function called my_minimum that receives a list of integers as parameter and returns the minimum stored in the list. I am able to get the user to input integers separated by a space. However, it gives me a number totally unrelated to what I am trying to achieve. For example if user list