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Tag: random-forest

Make available .best_params_ after pipeline

How to go about making available the clf.best_params_ after carrying a pipeline? For the code I have below, I get an: AttributeError: ‘GridSearchCV’ object has no attribute ‘best_params_’ Here is my code: Answer Your clf is never fitted. You probably meant,y_train). Also, np.linspace(10,50,11) yields floats, while max_depth expects ints, so this may fail and you should probably add a

Outlier removal Isolation Forest

I’ve been trying to remove outliers from my database using isolation forest, but I can’t figure out how. I’ve seen the examples for credit card fraud and Salary but I can’t figure out how to apply them on each column as my database consists of 3862900 rows and 19 columns. I’ve uploaded an image of the head of my database.

Random Forest tuning with RandomizedSearchCV

I have a few questions concerning Randomized grid search in a Random Forest Regression Model. My parameter grid looks like this: and my code for the RandomizedSearchCV like this: is there any way to calculate the Root mean square at each parameter set? This would be more interesting to me as the R^2 score? If I now want to get

pipeline for RandomOversampler, RandomForestClassifier & GridSearchCV

I am working on a binary text classification problem. As the classes are highly imbalanced, I am using sampling techniques like RandomOversampler(). Then for classification I would use RandomForestClassifier() whose parameters need to be tuned using GridSearchCV(). I am trying to create a pipeline to do these in order but failed so far. It throws invalid parameters. Answer The parameters

What does the value of ‘leaf’ in the following xgboost model tree diagram means?

I am guessing that it is conditional probability given that the above (tree branch) condition exists. However, I am not clear on it. If you want to read more about the data used or how do we get this diagram then go to : Answer Attribute leaf is the predicted value. In other words, if the evaluation of a

RandomForestClassifier import

I’ve installed Anaconda Python distribution with scikit-learn. While importing RandomForestClassifier: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier I have the following error: File “”, line 36, in <module> from . import _tree ImportError: cannot import name _tree What the problem can be there? Answer The problem was that I had the 64bit version of Anaconda and the 32bit sklearn.
